Uncle Garabed’s Notebook (Aug. 9, 2014)


Nobody deserves to be praised for goodness unless he is strong enough to be bad, for any other goodness is usually merely inertia or lack of will-power.

… La Rochefoucauld


Armenian Proverb

When God wishes to make a poor man happy, He makes him lose his donkey, and then find it again.



Evolutionists have substituted Mother Nature for Father God.


From the Word Lab

Cipher: from Arabic sifr, meaning “zero, naught, nothing.”

The Rev. R. Egerton Warburton, being asked for his cipher by a lady, in 1845, wrote back—

A 0 u 0 I 0 thee,

Oh I 0 no 0 but 0 me;

Yet thy 0 my 0 one 0 go,

Till u d 0 the 0 u 0 so.


A cipher you sigh-for, I sigh-for thee,

Oh I sigh-for no cipher but sigh-for me;

Yet thy sigh-for my cipher one cipher go (on-ce I forgo),

Till you de-cipher the cipher you sigh-for so.


Uncle Garabed’s Weight Reduction Formula

To put it simply, drink a glass of liquid before each meal. It doesn’t matter if it’s water, juice, soda, coffee, tea, beer, or wine. It will fill up your stomach and curtail your appetite.


What’s in a Name?

Santourian: Persian in derivation, identified as a trade, santour is a stringed musical instrument such as a dulcimer; thus, someone who is a maker/player of a santour.

CK Garabed

CK Garabed

Weekly Columnist
C.K. Garabed (a.k.a. Charles Kasbarian) has been active in the Armenian Church and Armenian community organizations all his life. As a writer and editor, he has been a keen observer of, and outspoken commentator on, political and social matters affecting Armenian Americans. He has been a regular contributor to the Armenian Reporter and the AGBU Literary Quarterly, “ARARAT.” For the last 30 years, Garabed has been a regular contributor to the Armenian Weekly. He produces a weekly column called “Uncle Garabed's Notebook,” in which he presents an assortment of tales, anecdotes, poems, riddles, and trivia; for the past 10 years, each column has contained a deconstruction of an Armenian surname. He believes his greatest accomplishment in life, and his contribution to the Armenian nation, has been the espousing of Aghavni, and the begetting of Antranig and Lucine.
CK Garabed

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